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Evaluating the media: CIPR Webinars

PR geekiness - the tools & techniques to gain insights from PR exposure

Thursday, December 13, 2012

CIPR Webinars

I have known about the CIPR webinars but not had the time to fully explore them. I have been looking at an interesting presentation all about sentiment measurement with Andrew Smith (@andismit). In particular it takes a couple of online tools and works though how they work and present their results. Interestingly the 3 tools chosen are Social Mention, UberVu and a high-end Nasdaq OMX tool. I think the low cost Social Mention is a suitable first place to start but wonder a little why UberVu and the Nasdaq tool where chosen? I can think of much more representative and wide-known tools.

Unfortunately this hour-long webinar is only available to CIPR members, but worth a look if you are interested in this area.


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